Hops for Craft Breweries
If you’re looking for English Hops in T90 Pellets form, have a look at what we have on sale today in 5Kg packs. We also have stocks of other varieties...
Hops for Craft Breweries
If you’re looking for English Hops in T90 Pellets form, have a look at what we have on sale today in 5Kg packs. We also have stocks of other varieties...

Cool-Chaining English Hops
Cool-Chaining Hops for Quality To keep their freshness after picking, hops grown by English Hops growers are packed into RB60 bales for storage and transportation. These bales can then be...
Cool-Chaining English Hops
Cool-Chaining Hops for Quality To keep their freshness after picking, hops grown by English Hops growers are packed into RB60 bales for storage and transportation. These bales can then be...
2018 IBD British Hop Awards
The judges met in early December at the English Hops showroom in Paddock Wood. This year, they were faced with a total of 206 samples across 31 varieties of British...
2018 IBD British Hop Awards
The judges met in early December at the English Hops showroom in Paddock Wood. This year, they were faced with a total of 206 samples across 31 varieties of British...
Fuggles farmer foils attack of the killer wilt
In our eyes, farmer Tom Spilsbury is a hero worthy of immortalising as a statue. Over the past few decades, the killer wilt virus has decimated acres of English fuggles...
Fuggles farmer foils attack of the killer wilt
In our eyes, farmer Tom Spilsbury is a hero worthy of immortalising as a statue. Over the past few decades, the killer wilt virus has decimated acres of English fuggles...

2018 EHL Hop Grower Visit to Prague
In April this year, a group of growers from English Hops Ltd visited Zatek in the Czech Republic to visit hop growers and to look at new hop machinery and...
2018 EHL Hop Grower Visit to Prague
In April this year, a group of growers from English Hops Ltd visited Zatek in the Czech Republic to visit hop growers and to look at new hop machinery and...

2017 IBD British Hop Competition
ANOTHER FANTASTIC YEAR FOR EHL HOP GROWERS The judges met in November 2017 at the Charles Faram Showroom in Newland, Worcestershire. This year, they were faced with a total of...
2017 IBD British Hop Competition
ANOTHER FANTASTIC YEAR FOR EHL HOP GROWERS The judges met in November 2017 at the Charles Faram Showroom in Newland, Worcestershire. This year, they were faced with a total of...